Can Expected Utility Theory Explain Gambling

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Subjective expected utility theory

Expected Utility Theory Philosophy

Can Expected Utility Theory Explain Gambling

Can Expected Utility Theory Explain Gambling Games



Can Expected Utility Theory Explain Gambling System

Expected utility hypothesis. Initiated by Daniel Bernoulli in 1738, this hypothesis has proven useful to explain some popular choices that seem to contradict the expected value criterion (which takes into account only the sizes of the payouts and the probabilities of occurrence), such as occur in the contexts of gambling and insurance.

Can Expected Utility Theory Explain Gambling Game

We investigate the ability of expected utility theory to account for simultaneous gambling and insurance. Contrary to a previous claim that borrowing and lending in perfect capital markets removes the demand for gambles, we show expected utility theory with nonconcave utility functions can explain gambling. When the rates of interest and time preference are equal, agents seek to gamble unless income falls in a finite set of values. When they differ, there is a range of incomes where gambles are desired. Different borrowing and lending rates can account for persistent gambling provided the rates span the rate of time preference.