Go With Courage Casino Night

Directed by Ken Kwapis. With Steve Carell, Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer. The Dunder Mifflin crew holds a casino party at the warehouse and Michael has two dates.

Sonic and crew were making their way over to the casino that the emerald was giving off a signal from. They were going rather quickly until Rainbow grew curious over something.

While flying next to the blue blur, Rainbow asked her question. 'Do either of you two know the name of this casino?'

Tails decided to answer this one as he turned his attention towards her. 'Yeah, we're going to Casino Street, it's a pretty popular casino among the locals of the area.' After Tails had finished his sentence, Sonic smirked as he added a little info to Tails' explanation.

'It's also in a long lasting rivalry with the Night Casino, no one can ever really say which captures the feeling of puttin' all of your money into a bet, better.'

Twilight only placed her palm under her chin, sinking into her thinking position. 'Then how are we going to find the emerald? It could be anywhere in there!' Twilight asked, her pessimistic side taking the reign.

Sonic's smirk stayed in place as he turned back to her. 'Hey, it doesn't matter how we do it, but we'll find it, don't you worry!' Sonic's optimism was contagious as all of the others had renewed purpose to keep going.

'Tails, dear, are we close yet? My poor, aching feet can't take much more of this dreadful walking!' Rarity went full drama queen mode as she questioned their young navigator on their location. Tails checked the Emerald radar and turned back to the fashionista.

'Well actually Rarity, the reason we're not moving faster is because the casino doesn't open until nighttime, so we're moving at a pace that we're about five miles away and should arrive just at opening time.' Tails explained, while Rarity fell face first into the grass of the plains they were walking through.

Dr. Eggman sat in his Egg-mobile, following a reading from a Chaos Emerald in a Casino. He was following the signal with haste, wasting no time in making his way over to the Emerald. He wanted to make sure Sonic paid for defeating him up in space, if it wasn't for that blasted boy, he would be building his empire by now, dammit! But no matter, that's the past and after he got all of these emeralds, no one would stop him! Not even that damn kid!

'I WILL get those emeralds, build my empire and kill that kid once and for all!' Eggman shouted to the heavens while letting out a maniacal laughter, Cubot and Orbot could only stare at their mad creator.

Knuckles sat in a clearing infuriated at the last turn of events. How is it possible that he lost to those two wimps? And...why did it feel wrong to fight them? It felt like he was fighting two close friends that he really shouldn't be fighting. It didn't make any sense and it was very much confusing him.

After letting out some of his anger, Knuckles looked over the hill he was sitting on, seeing the group he ran into at Pumpkin Hill, he quickly ducked his head as he watched them walk. Maybe they were heading towards another Emerald, perhaps he could follow them and steal it right from under their noses, it'll be great!

Knuckles then began stalking our heroes who were on their way to find the Emerald in the casino.


Pinkie yawned loudly as the group trekked through the desert, being a party animal that never stays in one spot too long, she didn't have much to do right now. However, there was one subject that she's been dwelling on for quite a while and it involved a certain blue haired hero.

Pinkie always found herself attracted by just how much fun Sonic was to be around, it didn't help either that only his smile can bring a smile to her face as well. Her blue eyes were aimed at the back of his head while she thought, even with all of her years living in the small town known as Apotos, where all of them lived, she had never known anyone who was hyper as she was or liked fun as much as she did. She sighed dreamily at the hero walking before her, just how did he steal her heart like that?

Out of the corner of her eye, Fluttershy caught Pinkie staring at Sonic and a rare scowl lined her face. She didn't approve of Pinkie staring at him the way she did, it angered her to her max. While Fluttershy was usually a very gentle and quiet person, she didn't like it when someone else liked the same person she did.

Although, Fluttershy couldn't help but stare at the hero herself, a dreamy look of her own on her face. He could be such a charming, handsome and open person that Fluttershy couldn't help but feel something deep for. He was going to be her's and nobody was going to take him from her.

What either girl failed to notice was when Sonic himself turned around to look at them both and had a concerned look on his face. He was wondering why they both had that look on their faces, were they looking at something? He then proceeded to snap his fingers in front of their faces to get their attention. Both snapped back into reality at the sound of his snapping.

'Girls, are you okay? Ya spaced out for a minute there.' Sonic asked them, while both just nodded and Sonic turned back around to keep moving.

'He's so kind and caring, what a sweetheart!' Both girls thought simultaneously as the group kept moving forward.

Even still, a certain rainbow-headed girl was fuming in her mind, she knew what those two we're thinking about. Well, they better back off because he was gonna be her man! She wasn't just about to let go somebody who was not only as fast as her, but faster! That's too good a match for her!

Rainbow Dash herself looked down at the hero from her position in the air with her own dreamy look. She couldn't help but giggle very softly at how funny it was, she had fallen for someone faster than her.

Sonic continued to lead the group to the Casino, hours passed and the sun began to set, courtesy of Princess Celestia herself and the bright moon raised over to take its place, Luna taking up her shift at this time. Soon enough the group began seeing bright lights begin shooting into the night sky causing Sonic to smirk.

'We're here, everybody! Welcome to Casino Street!' Sonic exclaimed as he gestured towards the casino. All of the others with the exception of Tails gaped at the sheer size of the place.

(Music Insert: Casino Night- Generations Modern Remix)

The casino's outside wall was lined with gigantic playing cards, as well as play tokens. Slot machines were around every corner, ready for a sucker to come in and lose his money here. Lottery games were everywhere, someone was definitely gonna lose money in this place, no doubt.

'Alright guys, let's get in their and find that emerald!' Sonic shouted and the gang then went inside the casino to search for he Emerald.

Knuckles was watching from the top of the Casino's welcome sign, so this is where the emerald was huh? Well, he was about to go in their and get it! Even if he lost all of his money in the process... No turning back now anyway!


'I'm coming for that Emerald! Get ready!' Knuckles shouted as he jumped down from the sign and into the casino and charged right in.

Eggman was currently dead center in the casino, he was trying to find the Emerald and pinpoint its location with his radar, but it was proving rather tedious at the least. Dammit! Why was thing in a blasted casino anyway? No doubt Sonic and his friends were looking for it as he was. He'd be damned if that boy got his hands on this Emerald as well.

After awhile of searching, he found the emerald in one of the machines as a prize, but before he could even blast away the machine it was in, Sonic ran right into the room that he was in. His eyes locked on the very machine that he was looking at.

'Hey there Eggy, I see you're looking for the emeralds too, huh? Not on my watch, fatass!' Sonic shouted before dashing towards the machine only for Knuckles to drop in front of them both hands already on the machine.

Eggman looked infuriated as he saw the teen land in front of him, why was there always some pest keeping him from his goals! 'Move out of the way, you insolent pest!' Eggman shouted at the redhead standing in his way.

'You wish! I'll be taking this Emerald! Neither of you have any business with it!' Knuckles shouted at the two enemies.

'Knucklehead, do you mind moving out of the way! There's a mad doctor trying to take the emeralds if you haven't noticed!' Sonic yelled at the stubborn idiot in front of him.

'No way!' Knuckles shouted before trying to punch the machine and make it spit out the Emerald, but Sonic kicked him in the face with a flying kick and sending him out of the way before trying to pop it open himself, but not before Eggman blasted him out of the way. Knuckles then punched Eggman's egg-mobile and the cycle kept repeating, Sonic's friends finally catching up and seeing the scene before them.

Suddenly, one of Eggman's shots knocked the machine through the window, sending it into the open casino area. Sonic immediately jumped out the window after it, followed by Knuckles and then Eggman. The purple Emerald lied in all its glory on the ground and out of the machine, Sonic raced towards and grabbed it, but Eggman flew by and grabbed it from his hands, Knuckles then glided over Eggman and snatched it up, Sonic however homing attacked him and grabbed the Emerald once again. This cycle repeated itself over and over again until finally Eggman got a hold of it and floated out of the other two's reach.


'Try to reach me now, fools!' Eggman taunted, but Sonic being Sonic accepted the challenge by jumping off of Knuckles' head and jumping from building to building until he reached Eggman, who simply floated higher to avoid him.

'It's no use! The Emerald is mine now! Take this!' Eggman shouted before shooting Sonic down to the ground with his laser. Eggman, with no one to stop him, flew off into the distance.

'Dammit! He got away with the emerald!' Sonic cursed before Knuckles glared at him.

'See what you did, idiot! Now he's got the Emerald!' Knuckles shouted in Sonic's face and Sonic only glared back.

'Oh! Like that wasn't freaking obvious!'

'Sonic! I got a reading for the next emerald, it's in the Ice Cap mountains, let's go!' Tails shouted and Sonic only gave Knuckles one last glare before dashing off with his friends to get the next Emerald. Knuckles only started gliding after them.

So now, the hunt for the Emerald has turned into a three way race, who's gonna win it?

That's a wrap guys!Another month of waiting, I'm so sorry! I was foxusing on my other stories: The Super Smash World Tournament and Speed Rivals. You should check them out.

Go With Courage Casino Night Game

Now, for references last chapter they were: Knuckles was quoting Trunks' famous line, 'If he lets those androids free, it will be the end of all of us!'

Go With Courage Casino Night Tickets

Sonic and Tails versus Knuckles had two references in it: Sonic and Tails going Mach speed was from Sonic OVA against the Evil Robotnik robot and the last move on Knuckles was Jeice and Burter's ultimate move in Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2.

Anyway guys, review because it is magical, and see ya!