Peer To Peer Poker App

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  1. Peer To Peer Music Sharing
  2. Peer To Peer Poker Application
  3. Peer To Peer Apps
  4. Peer To Peer Applications

Support peer-to-peer connectivity and the discovery of nearby devices.


  • iOS 7.0+
  • macOS 10.10+
  • Mac Catalyst 13.0+
  • tvOS 10.0+
  • In September 2018, ZenSports launched a peer-to-peer sports betting platform that operates outside the US, Canada, and Europe. On the platform users become either bet makers or bet takers.
  • PokerStars went live at 2 p.m. For two days of tests under the supervision of state regulators. The peer-to-peer poker games, in which players compete online, are being launched in partnership with Mount Airy Casino Resort in the Poconos and Fox Bet.


The Multipeer Connectivity framework supports the discovery of services provided by nearby devices and supports communicating with those services through message-based data, streaming data, and resources (such as files). In iOS, the framework uses infrastructure Wi-Fi networks, peer-to-peer Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth personal area networks for the underlying transport. In macOS and tvOS, it uses infrastructure Wi-Fi, peer-to-peer Wi-Fi, and Ethernet.


When working with the Multipeer Connectivity framework, your app must interact with several types of objects:

  • Session objects (MCSession) support communication between connected peer devices. Your app creates a session and adds peers to it when peers accept an invitation to connect, and it creates a session when invited to connect by another peer. Session objects maintain a set of peer ID objects that represent the peers connected to the session.

  • Advertiser objects (MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser) tell nearby peers that your app is willing to join sessions of a specified type. An advertiser object uses a single local peer object to provide information that identifies the device and its user to other nearby devices.

  • Advertiser assistant objects (MCAdvertiserAssistant) provide the same functionality as advertiser objects, but also provide a standard user interface that allows the user to accept invitations. If you wish to provide your own user interface, or if you wish to exercise additional programmatic control over which invitations are displayed, use an advertiser object directly.

  • Browser objects (MCNearbyServiceBrowser) let your app search programmatically for nearby devices with apps that support sessions of a particular type.

  • Browser view controller objects (MCBrowserViewController) provide a standard user interface that allows the user to choose nearby peers to add to a session.

  • Peer IDs (MCPeerID) uniquely identify an app running on a device to nearby peers.

Discovery Phase and Session Phase

This framework is used in two phases: the discovery phase and the session phase.

In the discovery phase, your app uses an MCNearbyServiceBrowser object to browse for nearby peers, optionally using the MCBrowserViewController object to display a user interface.

Peer to peer poker app download

The app also uses an MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser object or an MCAdvertiserAssistant object to tell nearby peers that it is available, so that apps on other nearby devices can invite it to a session.

During the discovery phase, your app has limited communication with and knowledge of other peers; it has access to the discoveryInfo data that other nearby clients provide, and any context data that other peers provide when inviting it to join a session.

After the user chooses which peers to add to a session, the app invites those peers to join the session. Apps running on the nearby devices can choose whether to accept or reject the invitation, and can ask their users for permission.

If the peer accepts the invitation, the browser establishes a connection with the advertiser and the session phase begins. In this phase, your app can perform direct communication to one or more peers within the session. The framework notifies your app through delegate callbacks when peers join the session and when they leave the session.

If the app moves into the background, the framework stops advertising and browsing and disconnects any open sessions. Upon returning to the foreground, the framework automatically resumes advertising and browsing, but the developer must reestablish any closed sessions.


class MCAdvertiserAssistant

The MCAdvertiserAssistant is a convenience class that handles advertising, presents incoming invitations to the user, and handles users’ responses. Use this class to provide a user interface for handling invitations when your app does not require programmatic control over the invitation process.

class MCBrowserViewController

The MCBrowserViewController class presents nearby devices to the user and enables the user to invite nearby devices to a session. To use this class in iOS or tvOS, call methods from the underlying UIViewController class (prepare(for:sender:) and performSegue(withIdentifier:sender:) for storyboards or present(_:animated:completion:) and dismiss(animated:completion:) for nib-based views) to present and dismiss the view controller. In macOS, use the comparable NSViewController methods presentAsSheet(_:) and dismiss(_:) instead.

class MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser

The MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser class publishes an advertisement for a specific service that your app provides through the Multipeer Connectivity framework and notifies its delegate about invitations from nearby peers.

class MCNearbyServiceBrowser

Searches (by service type) for services offered by nearby devices using infrastructure Wi-Fi, peer-to-peer Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth (in iOS) or Ethernet (in macOS and tvOS), and provides the ability to easily invite those devices to a Multipeer Connectivity session (MCSession).

class MCPeerID

Peer To Peer Music Sharing


An MCPeerID object represents a peer in a multipeer session.

class MCSession

An MCSession object enables and manages communication among all peers in a Multipeer Connectivity session.

protocol MCAdvertiserAssistantDelegate

The MCAdvertiserAssistantDelegate protocol describes the methods that the delegate object for an MCAdvertiserAssistant instance can implement to handle advertising-related events.

protocol MCBrowserViewControllerDelegate

The MCBrowserViewControllerDelegate protocol defines the methods that your delegate object can implement to handle events related to the MCBrowserViewController class.

protocol MCNearbyServiceAdvertiserDelegate

The MCNearbyServiceAdvertiserDelegate protocol describes the methods that the delegate object for an MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser instance can implement for handling events from the MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser class.

protocol MCNearbyServiceBrowserDelegate

The MCNearbyServiceBrowserDelegate protocol defines methods that a MCNearbyServiceBrowser object’s delegate can implement to handle browser-related events.

protocol MCSessionDelegate

The MCSessionDelegate protocol defines methods that a delegate of the MCSession class can implement to handle session-related events. For more information, see MCSession.

(Redirected from Smart phone ad hoc network)

Peer To Peer Poker Application

Smartphone ad hoc networks (SPANs; also smart phone ad hoc networks) are wireless ad hoc networks that use smartphones. Once embedded with ad hoc networking technology, a group of smartphones in close proximity can together create an ad hoc network. Smart phone ad hoc networks use the existing hardware (primarily Bluetooth and Wi-Fi) in commercially available smartphones to create peer-to-peer networks without relying on cellular carrier networks, wireless access points, or traditional network infrastructure. Wi-Fi SPANs use the mechanism behind Wi-Fi ad-hoc mode, which allows phones to talk directly among each other, through a transparent neighbor and route discovery mechanism. SPANs differ from traditional hub and spoke networks, such as Wi-Fi Direct, in that they support multi-hop routing (ad hoc routing) and relays and there is no notion of a group leader, so peers can join and leave at will without destroying the network.

SPANs started being used in Iraq in 2014 to bypass government restrictions on Internet usage,[1] in the 2014[2] and 2019 Hong Kong protests,[3] in 2015 in anti-government protests in Russia[4] and by youth in the United States.[5]

  • 3Usage
  • 4Operating system


  • Capable of going off-grid and enabling peer-to-peer communications without relying on cellular carrier networks, wireless access points, or traditional network infrastructure.
  • Optional Internet access through gateway devices, such as mobile hotspots in the mesh.
  • Optional stationary or portable infrastructures such as routers, mesh extenders, or other non-phone hardware.
  • Leverage the devices that people carry on their person and use every day.
  • Primarily use Bluetooth Mesh or Wi-Fi, since the cellular spectrum is licensed and controlled by cellular providers and FCC regulations.
  • Set up and tear down are on-demand. Join and leave at will.
  • Routing protocol may be implemented at the Network Layer or Link Layer.
  • Often requires rooting a device and making modifications to the operating system, kernel, or drivers.

Threats to telcos[edit]

The ad hoc networking technology operating on Wi-Fi ad hoc mode, at the unlicensed ISM band of 2.4 GHz may result in profit loss by cellular carriers since ISM band is free and unlicensed while cellular carriers operate on licensed band at 900 MHz, 1200 MHz, 1800 MHz, etc. This has the potential to threaten telecommunication operators (telcos). Smart phone mobile ad hoc networks can operate independently and allow communications among smart phones users without the need for any 3G or 4GLTE signals to be present. Wi-Fi ad hoc mode was first implemented on Lucent WaveLAN 802.11a/b on laptop computers. Since Wi-Fi is present and embedded in all smart phones today, this earlier technology was adapted for smartphones.


Smartphone ad hoc networks may be useful in situations that include:

  • developing nations where network infrastructure doesn't exist;
  • protests where government entities monitor or disable network infrastructure;
  • natural disasters or terrorist incidents where existing network infrastructure is overloaded, destroyed, or compromised;
  • temporary large-scale events such as festivals where a huge scale is needed for short period of time.

Real-life usage of smart phone ad hoc networks[edit]

  • 2014 – in Iraq following government restrictions on internet use, users use the technology to communicate[1][6]
  • 2014 – Hong Kong protests calling for more democracy used FireChat to communicate[2][7]
  • 2015 – Leaders of anti-government protests in Russia in December 2014 urged their followers to install FireChat[4]
  • 2015 – By 2015, millions of teenagers and school children in the United States had started using smart phone ad hoc networks to chat and communicate, without the need for Wi-Fi or cellular signals.[5]
  • 2019 – During the 2019 Hong Kong protests that started in opposition to a proposed modification of extradition law, Bridgefy, a smartphone ad hoc network app apparently running on Bluetooth Mesh, was used to communicate during protests in a way that minimised tracking and interference by authorities.[3]

Peer To Peer Apps

Operating system[edit]

Peer To Peer Applications

Apple Multipeer Connectivity[edit]

In Apple Inc.iPhones released with iOS version 7.0 and higher, multipeer connectivity[8] APIs (application programmable interfaces) are enabled and provided to allow Apple iPhones to operate in peer-to-peer ad hoc mesh networking mode. This means iPhones can now talk to each other without using a cellular signal or connection. Currently, Apple uses multipeer to allow one to send photos and large files (up to GB) to peers. This application is called AirDrop and in 2017 had started gaining in popularity. With 700+ millions[9] of iPhones being used globally, ad hoc peer-to-peer networks will gain pervasive presence almost instantly.[10]

Android phone ad hoc networks[edit]

By merging the Linux Wireless Extension API with parts of the Android software stack, a modified version of Android can enable the ability to harness the ad hoc routing, communications and networking features of the onboard Wi-Fi chip. This empowers millions of Android phones (for example, Google Pixel phones) with ad hoc mesh connectivity and networking capabilities.[11]

Software implementations[edit]

Software packages that implement smartphone ad hoc networks include GPL-licensed Serval Project over Bluetooth or WiFi; GPL-licensed Commotion Wireless; propietaryFireChat over Bluetooth, and Bridgefy over Bluetooth.

Device manufacturer support[edit]

  • iOS Multipeer Connectivity Framework[12]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ abKuchler, Hannah; Kerr, Simon (22 June 2014). '‘Private internet’ FireChat app grows in popularity in Iraq'. Financial Times.
  2. ^ abCohen, Noam. 'Hong Kong Protests Propel FireChat Phone-to-Phone App'. New York Times.
  3. ^ abKoetsier, John (2019-09-02). 'Hong Kong Protestors Using Mesh Messaging App China Can't Block: Usage Up 3685%'. Forbes. Archived from the original on 2019-09-03. Retrieved 2019-09-03.
  4. ^ abMilian, Mark. 'Russians Are Organizing Against Putin Using FireChat Messaging App'. Bloomberg. Retrieved 1 January 2015.
  5. ^ abOlson, Parmy. 'How Half A Million U.S. Teens Are Texting Without A Data Plan. 2015'. Forbes.
  6. ^Hern, Alex. 'Firechat updates as 40,000 Iraqis download 'mesh' chat app in censored Baghdad'. The Guardian.
  7. ^Shevardnadze, Sophie. 'We've laid foundation to creation of completely new internet – FireChat developer'. Russia Today.
  8. ^'MultipeerConnectivity Apple Developer Documentation'.
  9. ^Reisinger, Don. 'Here's How Many iPhones Are Currently Being Used Worldwide, 2017'. Fortune.
  10. ^Elgan, Mike. 'How an Underappreciated iOS 7 Feature Will Change the World'.
  11. ^Patterson, Steven Max. 'Android phones are connecting without carrier networks, 2013'. Network World.
  12. ^Bonnington, Christina. 'This Little-Known iOS Feature Will Change the Way We Connect'. Wired. Retrieved 1 January 2015.

External links[edit]

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